All dojang Masters can set their own uniform color code, i.e. full white, full black, or a combination thereof only. Where the instructor's rank is below 5th Dan, he must follow the generic all white (fold over reinforced top) pattern.
All HKD black belts (BB) must use the MooDukKwan style diamond stitched pattern (with black trim). All HKD BB's (with white trousers) ranked 5th Dan and above will have a Black stripe along the outside trouser seam, from the waistband to the ankle cuff. All TKD BB can use either the traditional fold over MooDukKwan dobok (with dark blue trim) or current WTF V-neck (with black trim).
All BB must follow the set template for their
belts, i.e.
- a) Name (any preferred character, usually Chinese or basic Hangul) and Rank (shown by stripes, 3 to a group) with the Flag of Nationality allowed at the end tip (optional) displayed on the LEFT side of the body;
- b) Korea HapKiDo SungMooKwan™ and Korea TaeKwonDo ChungDoKwan™ (in Hangul) to be displayed on the RIGHT side, in parallel, with the ROK Flag allowed at the end tip (optional);
- c) All character and stripe colors to be GOLD only; HKD Poom belt characters and stripes will be Silver
- d) All BB can have their Names (reduced size) on their LEFT jacket lapels, with 1st to 3rd Dans in Silver, 4th and 5th in Red, and 6th Dans and above in Gold.
- e) All Cho Dan Bo candidates may wear the appropriate BB uniform, but only with a plain BB until confirmation (3 to 12 months, performance dependant).
- f) All HSS uniforms will be black dobok trousers with appropriate T-shirts; White (12th to 7th Geup), Red (6th to 1st Geup) and Black (1st Dan on).
- g) All Tactical (Impact and Bladed) Weapons uniforms will be black trousers with black T-shirts.
The following are accepted insignia for doboks:
- a) KOMA™ Patch. This is compulsory for all members after passing their respective 1st successful test. Placement is for the center of the Patch to be directly over the LEFT nipple;
- b) KKH/KHF/SMK™ Patch. This is optional, and is only allowed for BB who have the appropriate cross certification; Placement is for the center of the Patch to be directly over the RIGHT nipple;
- c) KKW/CDK™ Patch. This is an alternative to those who are not qualified for #b. Same qualifying conditions apply;
- d) Dojang Patch. This is to be placed on the LEFT shoulder, BELOW the Qualification Tabs (if any);
- e) Previous Dojang Patch. Members can opt to place their previous Dojang Patch on their RIGHT shoulder (ONE Patch only);
- f) Military Service Patch. This can be placed on the RIGHT shoulder, and denotes past or present service, either directly, or supportive in nature, with an elite Military Unit, i.e.: Airborne (101st, 82nd, 173rd), Army SF (Rangers, Delta, SF, JFKSWC), AF SOGs (160th Wing, etc.), SEALS, Marines (Recon, MEU SOC), etc.;
- g) Military Unit Oval. Where appropriate, this can be worn directly BELOW the Military Service Patch;
- h) Masters Tab. This can be worn on the RIGHT shoulder in lieu of any other badges. This tab DOES NOT denote that the holder is qualified to teach, just that he has attained the minimum Rank and Privilege to be addressed as one;
- i) Only ONE Patch can be worn on either shoulder at one time (providing the individual is qualified for more than one);
- j) Where qualified, an Instructor's Qualification Tab will (compulsory for qualified individuals) be worn at the TOP of the LEFT shoulder only. The respective Advanced Qualification Tabs are to be worn ABOVE the Basic Instructor's Tab to denote the higher level attained (i.e. International or Master Instructor).
Over the years, many have sought to understand the significance (if any) of our Association or Command Crest. While we try to keep the relevance as true as possible, meanings are changed or lost over time.
Some meanings are several layers deep (normally 3), requiring maturity and the ability to "see" what others may not.
1. The Crest is round. This is to reflect that life is a great circle, ever changing, ever renewing. Our knowledge, our skills, are both forever in a state of change. What we are able do well in our 20's will be different when we reach our 40's. Speed may be important when we are 25, but smoothness is critical when we reach 40. As we learn a new technique or concept, we become beginners again; having mastered it, we then move on.
2. The Inner Circle represents several things. Firstly, it shows that within the outer circle, there is still another layer; hence life is filled with components, all of which are inter-connected. They need to work in harmony to exist. The inner circle, like our inner psyche, is complex and inter-locking. It forms an inner barrier against the outside world. The barrier also symbolizes that we need to put defense as the first and primary thought. Defensive tactics and tools must be inter-connected and inter-locked.
3. Once the inner circle is breached, we enter the very heart of the system. The
Fist represents the power and strength of
Close Quarter Combat. Being clenched, it shows that we are firm and resolute in defending ourselves, as well as being pro-active. Carrying a
Weapon, it shows that
we are military based> in our linage, thinking, and execution, as well as showing that our training
encompasses weapons.
4. The Gold color represents our constancy, and the value of the essence of our knowledge. It serves as an inspiration for us to not only value what we know, but by constantly striving to improving and perfecting ourselves, to increase the luster.
5. The
White color for the Fist and Weapon reminds us to
use our skills and knowledge justly and impartially. We must not misuse our abilities, and we must always be transparent and accountable for our actions.
6. The Blue and Red are representations of Yin and Yang (Chinese translation) or good and bad, dark and light. They remind us that we are human, that we have these two sides of us that must be understood, accepted and harnessed. The colors also remind us that our executions must suit the need, i.e. hard, soft or both. Lastly, the 2 colors remind us that we always have a choice, and to always strive to make the best one possible.
The unit patch is normally associated with a particular dojang or center. It is commissioned by the Master in charge (minimum 5th Dan). The symbols represent different meanings. Explained is the dojang patch of Mt. Kiara, as well as the Military Service Patch.
This patch serves as the dojang (center) patch for the Mt. Kiara dojang. It is the personal symbol for GM Julian Lim. The various components reflect his history and involvement with military units, especially SF and SOF, and are translated onto a civilian frequency or platform.
1. The Arrowhead shows that we are the cutting edge or lead command; by nature, we serve as the tip of the arrow for the promotion of authentic and premier KMA's, i.e. SMK and CDK.
2. The Dagger (re Fairbanks type blade) reflects our military SOF background; that our linage comes from the battlefield (AiKiJuJitsu and TaekKyon) and that we continue this legacy today. Our content is very CQC biased.
3. The Lightning flashes (capability via air, land and sea for the military) remind us of our 3 pillars (Non-resistance, Circular Theory and Water Principle); it also tells us that we need to be synergistic to achieve success – body, mind and soul. The lightning also serves to remind us that we strive to be illuminated and enlightened by knowledge.
4. The Tabs only serve to illustrate which dojang is under this command, and in which martial art we train in.
5. Blue is close to black; hence we train more as a civilian equivalent of CQC while maintaining a closer tie to the conventional martial art side.
1. ARSOC™ means
"Army Special Operations Capable".
2. Red represents the lethalness of the individual, or his/her exposure to such an environment.
3. Gold shows the constancy and inspiration that the individual strives for.
Black is for his/her usual
mission parameters (we own the night) and the ability to discuss them
5. This badge is usually only issued to those who have served in selected Army (or any military branch) units that are classified as SF or SOF units, in either active or support roles. All Airborne units are also included.